Hard Soils and Hard Souls

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The Spring planting season is in full swing.  Gardens are being plowed, fields are being disked, potatoes are being dropped, and before we know it, we will be setting out tomatoes.  What a wonderful gift God created when He made springtime and what a wonderful gift He gave us in…

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Did He or Didn’t He?

Tomorrow is Resurrection Sunday, the most death-defying celebration of all history.  Every human being lives with the inevitable reality of death staring us all in the face.  We know that, unless Jesus comes first, every last one of us will “give up the ghost” as our lives leave our bodies. …

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My Piece of the Quilt

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Have you ever felt overwhelmed with all the evil in this world?  Drug abuse and overdoses, domestic disputes, disregard for human life, religious persecution, the rapid decay of the family, starving children, etc.   Any one of these by itself is daunting enough, but when confronted by all of them together,…

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