The Watermark of the Bible

As we enjoy Christmas greetings, occasionally we’ll receive a piece of fine stationery with some type of faint image in the paper, known as a watermark.  More recently, copyrighted web photos also have various watermarks that prevent them from being pirated without payment.  As we celebrate Jesus’ birth, it’s imperative…

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Connecting the Dots of Christmas

Whenever we went on vacation during my elementary years, my parents kept me well supplied with activity books.  Not only did this occupy my attention over long stretches of newly constructed interstate highways, but it also reduced the frequency of the most annoying trip question ever, “Are we there yet?”…

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Ignored Warnings at Pearl Harbor

This past spring, Nancy and I had the privilege of visiting the Hawaiian Islands and enjoyed the trip beyond words.  As you already know from a previous column, I baptized my cellphone but thoroughly enjoyed the waterfalls, the beaches, the flowers, the culture, and the food.  One day, God willing,…

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The Greatest Birth On Earth!

Now that Thanksgiving leftovers occupy our refrigerators, our thoughts turn from orange and brown to red and green and from Plymouth Rock to Bethlehem.  In just four short weeks, we will be celebrating the birth of the Messiah. Christmas Day is the highlight of the year for many families, children,…

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The Piercings of Identification

This Saturday marks the beginning of firearms season for deer with the advent of the early muzzle loading season.   Hunters will be taking to their blinds and stands in their quests for the bucks of their dreams, or at least some meat for their tables. November always brings nostalgic memories…

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Tramp Rooms Then and Now

I always enjoy reading local history and recently finished Glimpses of the Past in Shenandoah County published by the Woodstock Museum in 1984 and edited by Joseph B. Clower, Jr.  This small volume is a collection of memories of many long-time valley residents, most of whom have now passed on…

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