Clearing Our Charges

A few years back, Nancy and I traveled to Germany for a friend’s wedding.  While we were there, we also took in a side trip to Switzerland, Austria, and Lichtenstein.   It was a wonderful trip that continues to bring smiles every time we remember it.

To enable us to get around, we rented a mid-compact car which turned out to be Mercedes Benz!  It’s probably the first and last time I’ll ever drive one, but it was sweet, especially on the German Autobahn.

Parking, however, was another story.  Since most of Europe is cramped, parking spaces are very tight, even for mid-compacts.  Thankfully most of our hotels had lots either under or adjacent to them but it was a challenge getting in and out of them, especially if cars were already parked on both sides.  With God’s grace, we did manage to return our ride with no additional scratches even if I did get a speeding ticket.parking meter

One particularly interesting parking arrangement was in Luzern, Switzerland.  The hotel we stayed at there had access to an underground parking garage but guests still had to pay.  Parking rates accumulated by the hour even if the car set idle all day.  Even while sleeping at night, the fees continued to add up hour by hour.  Although guests might be unaware of the charges, they would still accrue and an accounting loomed ahead.

It was less expensive to take the car out and drive somewhere even with exorbitant gas prices, but you have to sleep sometime.  Thankfully, there was a discount from the hotel if we turned in the parking receipt to the right person, which we did.  However, if we had failed to do so, we would have been charged the full price.

That parking arrangement reminded me of my sin.  Whether I know it or not, it continues to rack up charges against me.  Day and night, hour by hour, my selfishness, pride, unkindness, covetousness, and a host of other “acceptable” sins continue to accrue to my spiritual account.  I can ignore them all if I choose to and determine not to acknowledge the debt but it continues to accumulate regardless.

Thankfully, this enormous lifelong ledger can not only be reduced, but erased if I talk to the right person.  1 John 1:9 tells us that if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.  Note the word “all” in that last phrase.  Not most.  Not some.  All.

There is no requirement that we apply for this debt relief, however.  We can, if we choose, continue to ignore the plain truth that is everywhere before us.  Not only does the Bible tell us of our sin, but our own consciences bear witness against us as well.  We know we have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory and can sense that the charges are hanging over our heads.

We may try various methods to reduce or erase them including penance, self-abasement, monetary gifts, or sacrificial actions.  While each of these may have their place, none of them can reduce, much less erase, our sin charges.

Only when we freely admit our guilt to God and ask for His forgiveness through Jesus’ blood can we be freed of our burden.  No one else has the authorization to do so and if we leave the parking garage of this earth without settling with the Owner, the opportunity to go free will no longer be available to us.

2 Corinthians 6:2 tell us that, “Now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.”  Today is the day to admit, confess, and receive the saving grace that Jesus died to give you.  Attempting to pretend your debt does not exist or that you can pay it on your own is a recipe for eternal impoundment in a place of great suffering.  If you haven’t already done so, recognize your account balance today and ask God to eliminate it.  He’s just waiting for you to do so.  If you have, rejoice in your freedom and thank God for it!  Blessings, George

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