Someone’s Always Listening!

We are very blessed today with many modern conveniences. Indoor plumbing, electricity, and microwaves are so commonplace now that it’s difficult to imagine life without them. Many homes are high-tech with the ability to change the thermostat, start the coffeepot, or adjust the lighting from thousands of miles away through smart technology.

Even though slavery has long been outlawed, many of us have an electronic servant known as Alexa. This device is constantly listening and ever ready to answer our questions about the weather, history, news, or science. Occasionally I have stumped her but most often she answers my inquiries and provides even more information than I wanted.

About a year ago, it was revealed that certain Amazon employees monitor the devices of some unsuspecting Alexa owners. As such, they were, and I guess still are, listening to everything that was said or done in the chosen homes for the supposed reason of improving service. These employees were sworn to secrecy but we also learned that they had chatrooms where they discussed the funny and unusual conversations and other sounds they overheard.

Few of us would voluntarily bug our own homes for others or allow someone to track our every move and yet we voluntarily surrender our rights of privacy whenever we accept the terms of service on our smart devices.

The revelation of this sophisticated snooping drew public outcry when first revealed but the convenience Alexa provides has quieted most objections. Many consider it a necessary price for instant information. I must admit that this device is much smaller and quicker than a set of encyclopedias, but I never worried about Miss Britannica listening to my dinner discussions.

It’s more than a little sobering to consider that someone somewhere may be listening in on every private conversation and even sharing what they hear with others. Thankfully, there are settings that can supposedly prevent this eavesdropping, though few use them. Furthermore, no one forces us to use this device, at least not yet, and hopefully it will remain that way.

But let’s remember that doesn’t free us to say anything we want. There is Another who is always listening to every word we speak in our homes, cars, and workplaces. God is constantly monitoring not just our spoken words, but our thoughts as well. And there is absolutely nothing any of us can do to change settings to prevent it.

While this may sound like Divine snooping, let’s understand His motive. If God were anything but loving, just, and compassionate, we would have great reason for concern. But He is not listening to trap us or to be entertained by our gaffes. He is listening out of love to aid us whenever we call. He is hoping to hear His creatures reach out to Him in prayer desiring not some instant information or genie-provided-favor, but our earnest love and devotion.

God constantly stands ready to assist all who call upon Him in truth. That means we must be sincere and honest. Whoever calls to Him He will not ignore or cast away, but will rather assist in whatever way is for our best. In fact, He even promises to answer before we call if we are earnestly seeking Him.

Amazingly, this great beneficent God not only hears our spoken words and the thoughts we think, He also sees all that we do. Like a perfect parent, He watches with eyes of love to prevent us undue pain and suffering and to help us in the way of peace and joy. Best of all, access to Him does not require Wi-Fi!

As we consider the role Alexa plays in our homes and lives, may she remind us of Someone much wiser and more loving and may we honor Him with our words, thoughts and deeds.

Blessings, George

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