Two Sudden Evacuations

A few weeks back, news cycles were dominated by the withdrawal of US troops and personnel from Afghanistan. Few Americans opposed the pullout but many continue to be very concerned by the lack of forethought and the swift takeover of the entire nation by the Taliban.

The failure to adequately plan has resulted in an unknown number of US citizens and friends left in the country who are still praying for rescue. In addition, over 80 billion dollars of US arms and equipment are now in the hands of our avowed enemies.

The new regime has already eliminated personal freedoms and is abusing women, executing opponents, and even banning music within Afghan borders. We must pray earnestly for the safety of those trapped by the Taliban.

This event of international crisis reminded me of a future pullout that will be much more efficient. Jesus promised to return for His followers and the Bible reveals some details regarding this occurrence.

One of the similarities between the two events involves the secrecy of the date. Those in Afghanistan who needed to come out were not aware of when the pullout would take place and even our allies were taken by surprise. In even more drastic fashion, Jesus assured us that no one knows the day or the hour of His return. His advice is to be perpetually ready for this massive evacuation known as the rapture.

In addition, even though our State Department still does not know who or how many US citizens, translators, and others deserve to be saved, Jesus knows exactly who belongs to Him. He knows where we are at all times and will evacuate us when the trumpet sounds.

Thankfully, we will not depend on an airport and pilots as Jesus Himself will meet us in the air. This arrangement eliminates the need for Marines to protect us and we certainly won’t be at the mercy of our enemies for safe access to an airfield.

Another similarity involves the equipment left behind. Not only did the US military abandon helicopters, Humvees, and many other weapons, each individual whisked away had to leave their home, automobiles, and virtually all personal property.

Raptured Christians will leave even more behind. All worldly possessions will stay put with no exceptions. We will instantly lose all those things we accumulate and cherish. Jewelry, clothing, guns, vehicles, land, homes, collections, and all else will be stripped away as we rise to meet Jesus in the air. Trillions of resources, wealth, and assets will be left to be controlled by those still on earth. This vivid truth should move us to use everything we can while we can to bless others and advance God’s Kingdom before departure.

One vitally important aspect of this pullout is crucial to consider. Just who will be going? Jesus told us that some will be taken and others would be left. What is the criterion for rescue?

Again, Jesus has made this clear to us as well. In John 14, He told us that no one comes to the Father except through Him. We must secure our heavenly citizenship now by getting our tickets and documentation from Jesus by receiving the free gift of salvation He died to give us. We must not neglect this important action and forfeit our safe departure from a crumbling world.

If we fail to accept Jesus now while we freely can, it will be too late when He arrives. Those who assume they will be included because they have been friendly to Jesus’ cause will not be evacuated. Good works, while very desirable, will not entitle anyone to the privileges of heaven. If we are not born again through faith in Jesus, we will not enter His Kingdom.

As we reflect on the tragic circumstances in Afghanistan, may they remind us of another evacuation yet to occur and to make our arrangements now to be included in it then.

Blessings, George

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