Dad’s No Admittance Sign

Cool crisp mornings turn my thoughts to fall hunting seasons and fall hunting seasons bring fond memories of my father’s taxidermy shop. With the arrival of archery season each year, successful hunters began the parade of customers bringing game heads for dad to mount. Dad’s shop was divided into three…

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Two Sudden Evacuations

A few weeks back, news cycles were dominated by the withdrawal of US troops and personnel from Afghanistan. Few Americans opposed the pullout but many continue to be very concerned by the lack of forethought and the swift takeover of the entire nation by the Taliban. The failure to adequately…

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Sharpening Each Other

Each trade has its own set of specialized tools. Auto mechanics, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, and all others have their own instruments unique to their individual professions. But nearly all such vocations rely on some type of cutting tool. As a taxidermist, my father used countless knives during his career. In…

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Safe Behind Enemy Lines

Much of the world’s attention has been focused on Afghanistan and the tenuous situation there. Americans, Christians, and those who have assisted the US continue to need our prayers as the days drag on and as the crisis deepens. Pray for preservation of life, liberty, and property. As I’ve watched…

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Fighting Our Orangutans

It’s that time of year when county fairs rotate around the valley. Some surrounding counties have already enjoyed theirs and Shenandoah County’s begins next weekend. Children are preparing livestock, adults are baking, canning and selecting their best vegetables, and mechanics are gearing up for the demolition derby. Fairs bring all…

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