Awaiting Jesus With Dogged Anticipation

Thirty years ago this week, I was blessed to become the father of a sweet little girl. Over the years Mary has grown into a beautiful young woman and wife. She and her husband now live near Dallas, Texas and we don’t get to see them nearly as often as we’d like.

Mary and Scotty are the proud parents of two pit bulls named Luna and Jax. These dogs provide countless hours of companionship and joy as well as additional work and responsibility. They also secure the home fortress during the day when their owners are away.

Since the two both work for the same company and have similar schedules, most days they can travel together. Their commute is only about twenty minutes even considering the city traffic.

A while back, Mary and Scotty installed some low dollar security cameras that also allow them to eavesdrop on their pooches. As expected, most of their random checks reveal two dogs lazily chilling out in the apartment.

The difference comes in the evening. While many other vehicles pass in front of their home, Luna and Jax remain relaxed and unconcerned. As Scotty and Mary’s VW Atlas approaches, however, both dogs go into high gear. As their car gets closer, they jump up and excitedly wait at the door anxiously anticipating the opportunity to greet their masters and enjoy some good lavish loving in return.

Mary and Scotty’s neighborhood is a busy one. There are hundreds of other apartments in the area and hundreds of cars that go with them. Adults and children walk the streets and many city sounds constantly compete for ear attention.

Somehow, Jax and Luna can discriminate between all the various noises and other vehicles to identify the one that totes their loved ones. How do they do that? Only God knows but the embedded sound of their owners’ approaching car has become the highlight of their day.

It’s a great feeling to be anticipated, cherished, and loved that much. That’s obviously one of the factors that motivates folks to choose dogs rather than cats. And it’s also a blessing to have a person or pet that we can show our love to in response. God has wired us to both give and receive this most precious feeling called love.

As I reflected on this extraordinary joy, it not only put a smile on my face, it reminded me of how Christians should relate to our Lord. We ought to be so in tune with Jesus that we can detect His voice over all the competing voices and chaotic sounds in our world. He told us that His sheep know His voice, listen to Him, and follow Him.

The other aspect is the joyful anticipation of seeing Him and spending time in His presence. All the rest of life may be dull but being with our Master and Best Friend should be the highlight of our day and of our existence! Although we may get drawn away and distracted by other responsibilities, what a privilege to curl up in His lap and enjoy His love and closeness.

Thankfully, since His presence can be with us at all times in all places, we never truly have to be apart. Nevertheless, there are those certain times of devotion in which we can sense His special closeness. May we be so sensitive to His Spirit that we ignore all the other background noises and enjoy time with Jesus.

Ultimately, this same kind of expectancy should characterize our anticipation of Jesus’ physical return. All of the New Testament writers look forward to the great joy they will experience when the Lord appears. The eagerness that caused John to write in Revelation 22:20, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus,” ought to be ours as well.

In the meantime, may we attune our hearts to Jesus’ that we might enjoy every special moment we can.

Happy Birthday Mary and blessings to all, George

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