The Quest For Real Truth

We live in a very confusing time. While many complain about disinformation, others blatantly declare there is no absolute truth. What’s true for one person may not be true for another. Is this true?

Even though some pedal this teaching of relativism, it quickly wilts when exposed to rational thinking. The statement that there is no absolute truth is itself a truth claim and contradicts its own premise. It’s like saying, “All statements including this one are false.”

Imagine walking into your bank and explaining to the teller that you have five million dollars in your account. It’s true because you believe and declare it to be so! Be prepared for a harsh collision with reality when she shares that the bank’s truth reveals only $200 to your name. Good luck convincing them of your truth.

Many Christians have bought into this flawed logic as well. Some proclaim that doctrine doesn’t matter when that statement itself is a doctrinal one. Doctrine is belief and Jesus said that what people believe ultimately determines not only how they live, but where they will spend eternity. That’s pretty important.

Although many today believe that all religions lead to the same place, that’s logically impossible. Most religions make claims that seriously contradict the others. The Bible teaches that we are saved only by grace through faith while most other religions teach that a person’s good works earn entry to heaven, nirvana, or paradise.

These religions even contradict each other as to which good works actually earn eternal reward. Some emphasize loving and caring for people while others advocate killing non-adherents. Can both be true?

If our eternal existence really does depend on this, as most all religions teach, then wise people owe it to themselves to research the options and determine which truth claims are most logical and supported by observable facts.

Jesus Himself said in John 14:6 that He is the Truth. Jesus was and is the physical embodiment of the concept of truth. There is nothing false in Him nor can there be. If we want to know what is really true, we must know Jesus.

But can you trust Jesus? How do we know He wasn’t either lying to us or sorely mistaken? Perhaps Muhammad, Buddha, or Confucius really had it right. Or maybe the Greek gods are reality. How do we know?

We know by doing our homework. We know by comparing and challenging the beliefs of each religion and asking, “What is the evidence for this? Are the claims consistent and do they match the reality that we know?”

Lee Strobel is one such individual who went on a serious quest for truth. He was an atheist who sought to disprove Christianity and save his wife from what he believed were its misleading claims.

As a reporter for the Chicago Tribune, he used his investigative techniques to research the Biblical accounts of Jesus’ life, death, and especially for His resurrection from the dead. He spent hundreds of hours chasing down observable facts and examining the evidence.

He also scrutinized the truth claims of other religions. What evidence is there for what they teach and believe? Are they internally consistent or do they contradict themselves or even dismiss reality altogether?

After all his study and painstaking investigation to disprove Christianity, Lee became convinced and convicted by the objective observable truth of Jesus and all of His claims, and became one of His followers! Today he travels the world sharing his discoveries.

His story was featured in the movie, The Case for Christ and Lee will be speaking at Antioch Church (23502 Senedo Rd, Woodstock) Saturday, July 23 beginning at 9:30am on these very topics. He will also be fielding questions from those present and will be preaching in worship the next day. The event is free and open to all. For more information, call 540-459-3661.

Come and discover eternal truth worthy of your belief!

Blessings, George

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