Anticipating The Most Wonderful Trip

Nancy and I were fortunate to enjoy a recent trip to Hawaii. It was great to finally get away from the frantic pace of normal life and relax a little in a tropical paradise. I thank God for the brief respite and a bit of recharge.

Before we left on our trip, however, we purchased travel guides and spoke to others who had been there before us to get their recommendations. We mapped out our plans and wanted to see the highlights without the regret of missing something major. Although it’s impossible to see it all, we did enjoy many waterfalls, landscapes, beaches, flowers, and even a volcano.

Our visit to this paradise caused me to reflect on another trip I’m anticipating although I don’t know the date of my departure. This trip will be even better and will provide eternal rest in a perfect paradise called heaven.

Before leaving, however, it’s wise to do a little research and consult whatever guides or previous travelers we can find. Fortunately, the Bible provides both. In Isaiah 6, the prophet experiences a bit of the overwhelming holy presence of God and was humbled and changed by it.

Paul also briefly alludes to his visit there and John reveals more about heaven than anyone else in Revelation. He describes golden streets, jeweled foundations, and a pure river of life.

John also talks about what is not there. Although Hawaii is beautiful, homelessness and drug addiction exist there too along with other common problems. We saw prisons, hospitals, and cemeteries. Thankfully, none of these will be in that true paradise for John says there will be no more sickness, tears, or death.

Our most authoritative Informant on heaven is Jesus Himself. He lived there prior to visiting earth and returned there afterwards. He spoke of making preparations for our arrival by getting our homes (or mansions) ready.

There are practical considerations when traveling as well. What will the weather be like? What type of clothes should be packed? How much will things cost?

So too, we should consider these aspects of heaven. Hawaii only required short sleeves and sandals but we don’t have to pack any clothes for heaven as our Father will have new wardrobes and new bodies awaiting us. Since He will provide all our needs, we won’t need any cash, although we can send it ahead by helping those in need here before we go.

We also can begin anticipating this trip! Before our vacation, excitement built as we awaited getting away from daily routines and experiencing things we’d never done or seen. How much more should we look forward to heaven!

Because Jesus paid our price, we can enjoy unparalleled eternal beauty without any problems or expense. The more we focus on our upcoming journey, the easier it is to endure the here and now. For this reason, the Bible tells us to set our thoughts on eternal unseen realities above.

Heaven will also exceed any earthly vacation in that it will never end!  As our time in Hawaii drew to a close, we began to remember all the responsibilities awaiting us and the return to 60-70 hour work weeks. Thankfully, we’ll never have to “go back” from heaven.  We will stay forever in the most wonderful place ever.

The most important question we should ask is, “How do we get there?” Nancy and I had to book flights and make connections. So too, getting to heaven doesn’t just happen. Each person must make their own reservation by repenting of sin and accepting Jesus as Savior. He will be the most wonderful Feature in heaven and we can anticipate enjoying His presence there forever if we’ve accepted and are living for Him.

As you reflect on a recent vacation, may it remind you of a more important trip yet to come and begin anticipating all that heaven has to offer.

Blessings, George

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