The Power To Demolish Strongholds

When Nancy and I visited Israel in 2018, we had the privilege of touring Masada. This rock plateau is perched 1300 feet above the Dead Sea and after taking a cable car to the top, we were able to see for many miles in every direction.

Masada is most well-known as the site where 960 Jews held out for several months against the Romans in 73-74AD. Because the sides are so steep, the flat top was virtually unconquerable. One hundred years earlier, Herod the Great had built two elaborate palaces there enhanced with food and water storage facilities.

The Jews on the mountain believed they could wait out any siege perched on top of Masada. They felt safe as they looked down at the Roman encampments around the base, the remains of which can still be seen nearly 2000 years later.

First Samuel 23 describes various strongholds in this area to which David retreated from King Saul and Masada could easily be one of them. Because it provided safety to David, it likely inspired hope to his descendants 1000 years later.

Their immunity from attack proved true until the Romans decided to construct an enormous siege ramp on the western side. Basket by basket and rock by rock, soldiers and slaves began to fill in the steep valley with nearly 9 million cubic feet of earth until the ramp reached the outer wall of the compound.

The night before the Romans broke through with their siege engine, the historian Josephus describes how those inside committed mass suicide to avoid being tortured, crucified, or enslaved. When the troops entered, all they found were the lifeless bodies of those who had held out so long. Only two women and five children survived. Ultimately their stronghold didn’t protect them from Roman power and ingenuity.

Many people have strongholds in their lives. These are habits, attitudes, or sins that just will not yield to willpower or determination. Addictions to drugs, alcohol, pornography or other destructive influences are prime examples. Others might include shame or guilt built by past abuse or wounds in our hearts we refuse to forgive.

These emotional, relational, and physical strongholds are impregnable to the best intentions and fiercest human attacks. They resist all attempts to conquer them and it often seems they will stand forever in our hearts and minds.

Thankfully, there is One with the power to overcome and destroy these strongholds. In 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, Paul writes, “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.”

This is fantastic news to all who have failed to bring down their unbeatable foes. The weapons that Paul speaks of in this passage are prayer and fasting as well as the power of God’s Holy Spirit expressed through His Church. Jesus told Peter that the gates of Hell cannot prevail against the power of the Church!

Prayer is the primary attack weapon with greater power than a nuclear blast. When Jesus’ followers combine their prayers, strongholds crumble and God’s Kingdom advances. God has more than enough ability to help individuals and societies demolish whatever strongholds there may be.

Antioch Church will be hosting a community prayer gathering on May 4 at 7pm for the National Day of Prayer. We will be praying for an outpouring of God’s mighty power in our valley and in our lives to abolish the strongholds that have established themselves. All are invited to join us at 23502 Senedo Rd, Woodstock.

 In addition, Nancy and I are planning to take another group to Masada and the rest of Israel in 2024.If you are interested in going along, please let me know. In the meantime, let’s link together to pray down whatever evil strongholds exist.

Blessings, George

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