The Best Operating System Of All

One of the technological advances that has shaped our world and dominates all aspects of modern life is the computer. Most American homes have at least one laptop, children use Chromebooks in school, businesses employ computers across many applications, and our military relies heavily on electronic assistance.

The Windows Operating System, first developed by Microsoft in 1985 and upgraded several times since, controls and manages information processing, display, and usage. Because it is very user friendly and operates mostly out of sight, it dominates 70% of the desktop market according to Wikipedia.

Our interaction with Windows can help us better understand our own mental, emotional, spiritual, and relational operating systems. Most of our thoughts, actions, and feelings are managed by some overriding influence even though we may not be aware of it.

Many individuals are controlled by fear. Most decisions they make are decided with this default mindset running in the background. They don’t develop close relationships for fear of being hurt, they refuse to take calculated risks because they fear failure, and they won’t step out in faith due to a fear of looking foolish. Fear is a very powerful operating system, but also very limiting, destructive, and disappointing.

Another operating system is one of financial gain. Every action and plan is motivated by a desire to increase net worth. Even relationships are made or severed by financial considerations and this often happens subconsciously since it becomes our standard mode.

There are many other operating systems that we adopt, allow, or inherit, all of which negatively affect maximum thriving. It is well worth our time to prayerfully examine our foundational motives beneath our surface decisions and feelings. What operating system controls you?

Jesus rolled out the best human operating system 2,000 years ago. Although it had been around since creation, He came to not only model its perfect operation and teach its importance, but to install it in each of His followers. Jesus’ operating system and the one that should characterize all Christians is love.

Love is much more than a romantic feeling. Thankfully, God enabled us to experience this type of love and Valentine’s Day is a great time to celebrate it with our spouse, fiancé, girlfriend, or boyfriend. But if romantic love becomes an operating system, it destroys lives because it is inherently self-centered and dependent on feelings.

The type of love Jesus taught and lived begins by loving our Creator with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and is then directed toward others. This love is described in I Corinthians 13 and desires the highest good for every other person in spite of the cost to ourselves.

Jesus’ love sincerely aims to see God’s best for everyone which dissolves all desire for personal praise which itself can become an operating system. Jesus demonstrated His love not only in words but in service and sacrifice even as He washed feet and died in our place.

Once His love begins to overtake the mechanics of our souls, it awakens other parts of our being that have lain dormant. It stimulates peace which eludes attainment in all other systems. Studies also demonstrate that love opens the brain to learn better and think clearer. Love facilitates deep and lasting relationships and it enables and enlivens another component that we all desperately yearn for: joy!

How do we acquire this powerful software of the soul? By admitting we’ve allowed other systems to control us and by asking for our Manufacturer’s forgiveness provided by the most supreme love act ever. As we come to God through Jesus, He installs His love by moving into us through His Holy Spirit. Suddenly our entire beings are transformed and we begin to function at peak performance.

As we celebrate Valentine’s Day next week, may our thoughts of love prompt us to invite this most powerful and beneficial of all operating systems to control us. Blessings, George

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