Clearing Our Background Checks

One of the realities of twenty-first century America is the background check. Not only do most firms include these in their hiring considerations but they’re also now used by most youth sports organizations and churches for all individuals that have contact with children. Although it involves some expense, it is minimal compared to the potential savings from addressing problems that could develop later.

Awhile back, Antioch instituted background checks for everyone involved in our youth ministries to protect all children from potential threats. It’s always a relief when I get the results to see the words, “No reportable records found” on the completed statement. If such records were to be found, it doesn’t prevent that person from membership or service, just from those ministries that involve minors.

This four word phrase doesn’t mean, however, the person is innocent. It only means that the individual has either never committed a reportable offense, never gotten caught, or that such records were lost or expunged. Every ministry and organization still needs other safeguards to protect children and adults from possible harm or abuse.

While law enforcement agencies keep files on convicted criminals, God has the only perfect record for each individual. Every offense against His law, no matter how slight, has been recorded and documented regardless of whether we were found guilty in any human court.

After our deaths, the Bible indicates that we will all stand before God in judgment where He will review our background checks. And while not everyone will have sins of abusive or sexual natures, there will be plenty of reportable records that will keep all of us out of His sinless heaven.

Some may protest claiming that they never robbed banks, committed murder, or raped anyone, but Jesus has already informed us that even evil thoughts and desires such as lust, greed, and hatred are just as wicked in God’s eyes. With this reality in mind, each of our files is chocked full of reportable offenses against His holiness.

Thankfully, there is a way to clear our records. A week from today, on Good Friday, we remember again the sacrificial death of God’s own Son, Jesus Christ. He was the only human who ever had a completely clean background check. Not only were no reportable records found, there were none to find!

The Bible makes it clear that this totally innocent and trustworthy Person went through the files of human history and took all of our records and transferred our charges to Himself. He assumed all our crimes and our consequences and offered His guiltless record to us in return.

Just as Kilz All Purpose Primer promises to cover whatever stains, mildew or mold may be present, Jesus’ blood not only covers our sin, it removes it! Where other products like our own good works, karma, or law keeping fail, Jesus’ blood is 100% effective at expunging our record and clearing our backgrounds!

He doesn’t just pardon our sin as though it never happened. It did happen. We did it and we are guilty and our offenses require punishment. But Jesus took the responsibility for our sin as well as the punishment. He did that once and for all on Calvary’s cross clearing us to serve Him now and to enter heaven later.

But Jesus is a gentleman. He will not force Himself on anyone unwillingly. He will not impose His forgiveness nor His Lordship on any person without their permission and invitation. I can’t fathom why people wouldn’t want this and resist it so adamantly, but some do not. And their record will exclude them from an eternity of joy and peace.

As we prepare to remember Jesus’ great sacrificial death when He paid for all our sins, may we ponder His great love that motivated Him to do so and thank Him for it. And if you’ve never accepted His offer to clear your own background, do it today. Blessings, George

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